This App can warn you when you snore. With vibration of your SmartPhone or Android Wear SmartWatch or with a tone / sound that you can configure. It has lots of configuration possibilities to adapt to you so that you react to the warning without waking up.Snore-Partner is for snorers and non-snorers who:
1.- Want to track their night (for example, to know whether they snore, when and how loud)2.- Want to disturb less (for example to not wake up your partner)3.. Want to snore less (for example, because of health reasons)
Either using the “Partner Mode” or the “Snorer Mode” you get information about your night, time and quantity you or your partner snores.
The “Partner Mode” let you track when snoring is waking you up. Just touch the phone and your awake will be recorded. Total snores, number of snores previous to waking you up and those times will be tracked.
The “Snorer Mode” let you adjust warning settings to stop snoring at times you wish. For example when your partner is more sensible, when you are too loud or when you inspiration/expiration time is longer than you wish.
Stay on the FREE version or subscribe to the many possible settings to reduce snoring and possible improve your healthiness, to recevie daily insights and reports about your nights and in many cases to make your partner happy.